- English level/fluency
Proficiency (C2)
- Experience in international (US/EU) projects on a corresponding position
See table below
- Knowledge & practical experience of Agile process facilitation
a) Please provide an example of the project where Scrum would be hardly applicable
- A project where a team has to do something NOT for the first time in their lifetime as a team: deploy an ERP-level app like SAP or Microsoft Dynamics, which would involve only very minor tweaks but no changes to the core of the software. Scrum would be applicable, except that it would hardly bring any value to that kind of project 🤣
- In general, any project where change is less likely and, if happens, shall not bring a project to failure. All fixed projects (where all 3 angles are fixed).
b) Please state three core differences between Scrum and Kanban
- 2 week sprints
- Releases once in 2 weeks
- Product Owner, Scrum Master, Development Team
- Velocity
- Continuous flow
- Continuous delivery
- No required set of roles
- Lead Time, Cycle Time, WIP
- Experience & Understanding of different financial & engagement models
- Fixed Price / Fixed Date / Flexible Scope
- Time and Materials with Fixed Scope and a Cost Ceiling
- Time and Materials with Variable Scope and Cost Ceiling
- Phased Development
- Experience of the contractual paperwork
- Created conditions for service contracts, mostly FFF-type, but also for all models listed in point 4 above
- Hiring/Firing/People motivation experience