- How many projects do you handle simultaneously?
- What was the largest project you have worked on in terms of people and duration?
10 team members, 1.5 year
- What is your preference Agile or Waterfall?
Agile (Kanban)
- Any experience working with a startup company?
90% of all projects that I did were startups
- Any experience working with a SaaS/ product company?
Only as a software development outsourcing vendor
- Why did you choose Project Management as your career?
I'm good at solving problems
What do you do as a Project Manager day to day?
- I do:
- Gathering requirements, deliverables, and timeframes from stakeholders
- Agreeing on priorities with clients
- Planning resources
- Producing reports for management (e.g., performance metrics)
- Communicating frequently with sponsors and stakeholder
- Planning around your team’s skills to ensure end success
- Adhering to the critical path and having a plan to mitigate issues
What makes a good project manager? Give examples
- 3 examples: PM is good if\when:
- you ask any teammate "do you know what the goal of the iteration is?" and they respond "yes"
- you ask his client (stakeholder) "what is the team doing the next 2 weeks? and 2 weeks after that?" and they respond "Feature X and Feature Z because they are on of our prioritized product backlog"
- you do not have to ask everyone what they're working on at the moment because a task board is regularly updated by every teammate
What is good communication? Give examples
If both sides of a conversation reach a meeting's goal, this is good communication.
Techniques to use to make a meeting effective.
- mirroring
- paraphrasing
- clarifying statements and questions that you didn't understand well
- not interrupting in the middle of a speech
- making notes and minutes
- ask open-ended questions, not close-ended
Being listened to:
- in the end of every statement re-confirm if it makes sense for your interlocutor (check in on whether they're following or fell asleep)
- observe one's body language in reaction to what you're saying (eyebrows, eye movements, cheeks, forehead, lips)
Two marker-phrases to check if you're communicating on an issue: when one says "that's right" - they do agree with what you're saying, when "you're right" - can be translated as "you are completely wrong but I don't want to argue so I'll nod like I agree with you".
What is bad communication? Give examples
- one-way communication - only one speaks, everybody else only listens, no feedback from and to speaker, no opportunity to speak out or bring a constructive idea to the discussion
- when giving critique, it goes only in one flavor, negative.
- getting personal
- passive aggression
- chatting with somebody in your laptop while at a meeting
- when nothing changes in behavior of all people engaged in a meeting after it is completed
What failures have you had in projects you’ve run, and what have you learned from them?
Once, discussing next phases for a roadmap of one of my projects, I and my client started to discuss a deadline that was of utter importance for him which he couldn't underscore more , but I failed to notice that emphasis and kept saying "no, meeting this deadline is not possible, we can complete this scope only a month later, and there are no other options to make our team meet this unrealistic date".
Lesson that I learnt is simple: always give options, at least 3, because there are no unsolvable situations with only one inevitable end.